世界品牌实验室发布2021年全球十大高端名茶 |
英国品牌川宁、中国品牌竹叶青、新加坡品牌特威茶入榜 |
World Brand Lab Releases Its“2021 Global Top10 Luxury Tea Brands” |
British brand TWININGS, Chinese brand Zhuyeqing and Singaporean brand TWG are on the list |
由世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)独家编制的2021年《全球十大高端名茶》分析报告于2月23日在美国纽约发布。该报告收录了来自8个国家的十个高端名茶品牌。入榜品牌包括英国品牌川宁(TWININGS)、中国品牌竹叶青(Zhuyeqing)、新加坡品牌特威茶(TWG)、美国品牌哈尼-桑尔丝(Harney & Sons)、法国品牌玛黑茶(Mariage freres)等。竹叶青也是唯一入榜的中国高端名茶。世界茶文化发源于4700年前的中国,普遍认为茶树发源于四川。竹叶青正是来源于茶文化的故乡四川省峨眉山。 |
The “2021 Global Top 10 Luxury Tea Brands” analysis and report was compiled exclusively by World Brand Lab and released on February 23, 2021 in New York, US. The report includes ten luxury tea brands from eight countries. The brands listed include TWININGS(UK), Zhuyeqing(China), TWG(Singapore), Harney & Sons(US), and Mariage Frères (France), among others. Zhuyeqing is the only Chinese luxury tea brand on the list. Tea culture originated in China 4,700 years ago. Zhuyeqing, which comes from Mount Emei in Sichuan Province, is widely believed to be where the tea plant was first cultivated. |
根据超级财经(Superfinance)测算,全球茶叶爱好者已经超过10亿人。全球茶叶产量为615万吨,茶叶品牌超过5000个。但如何衡量哪些茶叶属于高端品牌,消费者需要一个公正、可靠的评判标准。为此,世界品牌实验室以三项指标为核心,包括品牌强度系数、消费者附加值指数和企业发展指数,开发了全球茶叶品牌评价模型,并以此为基础独家撰写了《全球十大高端名茶》(The Global Top 10 Luxury Tea Brands)分析报告。十大高端名茶来自英国、美国、中国、新加坡、法国、斯里兰卡、印度和日本等8个国家。 |
According to Superfinance, the number of tea lovers around the world has exceeded one billion. Global tea production is around 6.15 million tons, supplying more than 5,000 tea brands in the world. Seeking to set an impartial and reliable standard to help affluent consumers measure the quality of tea, World Brand Lab developed a global tea brand evaluation model with three core indicators, based on brand strength, consumer value-added and enterprise development. Based on these three indicators, World Brand Lab exclusively writes the analysis report, “The Global Top 10 Luxury Tea Brands.” The top 10 luxury tea brands in 2021 hail from eight countries, including the UK, the US, China, Singapore, France, Sri Lanka, India, and Japan. |
2021年《全球十大高端名茶》分析报告的数据采集以及评估的对象包括全球各国家和地区的高端名茶。世界品牌实验室对全球市场上的5000多个茶叶品牌进行初步筛查,首先选出300个茶行业的超级品牌,它们分布在英国、美国、法国、印度、斯里兰卡、中国、日本、新加坡等20多个茶产业发达的国家。然后再对300个茶行业的超级品牌进行了大数据统计和分析,最终推出了全球最具影响力的十个高端名茶品牌。虽然世界上每年人均茶叶消费量最高的国家是土耳其(3,157克),排名第二的是爱尔兰(2,191克),但是这两个国家的高端茶叶品牌全部依赖进口。茶文化发源于中国, 唐代茶开始在中国兴盛,并传播到日本等周边地区,最终在十七世纪被带进欧洲。因此,高端茶品牌除了来自发祥地中国的竹叶青,其它9个品牌平衡地分布在亚洲、欧洲和北美的7个国家。 |
The process of data collection and evaluation used in the “2021 Global Top 10 Luxury Tea Brands” analysis and report includes luxury tea brands from various countries and regions around the world. World Brand Lab conducted an initial screening of more than 5,000 tea brands in the global market and selected 300 super brands in the tea industry. These brands are located in more than 20 countries with mature tea industries, such as the UK, the US, France, India, Sri Lanka, China, Japan, and Singapore. The 300 super brands in the tea industry were then analyzed using big data, statistics, and other tools, after which the ten most influential luxury tea brands in the world were selected. While Turkey(3,157 grams) and Ireland (2,191 grams) lead the world in annual tea consumption per capita, both nations rely heavily on tea imports from luxury tea brands to meet their consumption needs. |
世界品牌实验室在对全球高端名茶进行调研时发现,目前茶行业的消费发展趋势主要呈现出以下三个特征。其一是品牌化、精品化、高端化。这是茶叶消费市场的发展趋势,也是市场优胜劣汰的必然结果;其二,品牌逐渐年轻化。对于茶叶品牌来说,品牌的年轻化不仅意味着争取年轻消费群体的青睐,更是要吸引抱有相同年轻心态的所有消费者。其三,功能化。疫情发生后,越来越多的消费者认知和体验到茶的功效。对此,世界品牌实验室的专家组成员迈克尔-赖斯(Michael Rice)认为,“喝茶的好处早已被中国人所了解,并远远超出了西方咖啡因的作用。从消化系统的健康(包括减肥), 到增强循环系统、治疗糖尿病、改善记忆力,每天的饮茶养生既能改善生活,又能增加生活乐趣。" |
After conducting its research on the global luxury tea market, World Brand Lab identified three characteristics in the current trend in tea consumption. The first is branding; both boutique and high-end. Secondly, the brands are gradually establishing younger demographics. The third characteristic is functionalization: During the COVID-19 global pandemic, consumer awareness of the benefits and efficacy of tea increased.“The benefits of drinking tea have long been understood by the Chinese people and extend far beyond the effects of caffeine for which it is best known in the West,” said Michael Rice, a member of the World Brand Lab expert panel based in New York. “From digestive health—including weight loss—to the enhancement of the circulatory system, the treatment of diabetes,and the improvement of memory, a daily tea-drinking regimen can both improve your life and increase your enjoyment of it.” |
世界经理人集团行政总裁、世界品牌实验室专家组成员袁浩东认为:“从历史上看,中国是世界的品牌发祥地,古代‘中国制造’的品牌地位远远比当今的‘德国制造’要高。与当今中国是奢侈品进口大国相反,2500年前的中国是全球奢侈品制造和出口大国,陶瓷、丝绸和茶叶等古代三类奢侈品几乎由中国垄断。茶叶虽然发源于中国,但在各个民族和地区之间发展出了不同的茶文化,比如工夫茶、茶道、下午茶等等。竹叶青不仅仅是一张世界高端茶品牌的名片,更是承载了中国4700年茶文化的内涵和历史“。对于中国茶品牌来说,稀缺性和特异性是中国茶品牌屹立于世界高端品牌中的基石。 |
Yuan Haodong, president of World Executive Group and a member of the World Brand Lab expert panel, added that from a historical perspective, China is the birthplace of the world’s brands. “The distinction of the ancient “Made in China” brand was held in far higher esteem than German brands today,” said Yuan.“In contrary with today’s China—a major luxury importer—China was a country of global luxury goods manufacturing and a major exporter some 2,500 years ago. Ceramics, silk, and tea: these three ancient luxuries were almost monopolized by Chinese producers. Although tea originated in China, different tea cultures have developed among various ethnic groups and regions, such as Gongfu tea, Japanese tea ceremony, British “high tea,” and so on. Zhuyeqing is more than a business card of global luxury tea brands;it also carries the connotation and history of China's 4,700 years of tea culture." |
自2003年开始,世界品牌实验室就对世界60个国家的8万多个主流品牌进行跟踪研究。作为全球领先的品牌咨询、研究和测评机构,世界品牌实验室(WorldBrand Lab)由1999年诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗伯特?蒙代尔教授(Robert Mundell)担任主席,全资附属于世界经理人集团。世界品牌实验室致力于品牌估值、品牌战略、品牌保护,专家顾问来自哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、麻省理工、牛津大学、剑桥大学等世界一流学府,其研究成果已成为许多企业并购过程中无形资产评估的重要依据。 |